Happy Presidents Day 🇺🇸 🎉
Does your CEO like the content your marketing team is producing? Does your CMO? Does your head of Sales? Do you know the answer for sure? Does it matter?
John Bonini (Founder of Some Good Content) has been meeting with founders and marketing execs that have said some variation of the following regarding their content marketing: “We’re doing SEO, but the content is not good, and it’s just not working very well anymore.”
So what’s broken with our content efforts? And how can we fix it? How do you ensure that your content isn’t just being created for the sake of content, but that it actually produces pipeline and revenue?
We also cover:
John's Content Motivation Framework that focuses on buyer motivation instead of a company's funnel;
AMA: John asks me his burning question.
You can find John on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jbonini
Learn more about Some Good Content: www.somegoodcontent.com
John's podcast: Louder Than Words
For more content, subscribe to Modern Startup Marketing on Apple or Spotify or wherever you like to listen, and don't forget to leave a review if you're lovin' the show!
And whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
1. fractional head of marketing for early stage startups >> www.furmanovmarketing.com
2. sponsor my Top 5% podcast and get startup founders, marketers and VCs hearing about your brand >> https://podcast.furmanovmarketing.com
3. sign up to get my monthly early stage startup marketing newsletter where I’m sharing playbooks and insights and cracking some jokes
You can also find me hanging out on LinkedIn, definitely say hello and tell me what you're building >> www.linkedin.com/in/annafurmanov