🎧 In this episode of The Catholic Money Show, Amanda and Jonathan dive into the sneaky side of higher-paying jobs. They go beyond just the bigger paycheck and talk about how factors like time, happiness, and coping mechanisms play into the decision. It's like looking at the fine print of chasing after more money.
🎁 Introduce us to your parish by Thursday night and you could win a sweet prize! (Gift cards to Sock Religious, Brick House in the City, and More and Available!) Introduce us at WalletWin.com/parishintro for your chance to win.
💵 Understand a Catholic view of money and learn the practical skills to live it out - join Catholic Money Academy today at WalletWin.com/academy
🎸 Music in this episode is by Dylan Gardner – check out his album Almost Real on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to great music.