Examine the differences between a Catholic and Protestant worldview when it comes to the morals of investing.
Curious about how a Catholic approach differs from Dave on a particular topic? Send an email to email@walletwin.com (but Dave somewhere in the Subject line) or send us a voicemail at WalletWin.com/voicemail
Thank you to the Catholic Financial Planners Network for sponsoring this episode. You can learn more about CFPN advisors at CatholicFinancialPlanners.com
Watch this episode (and more!) on Youtube: https://youtu.be/pH9i3EuqwRI
Form your Catholic understanding of money by joining Catholic Money Academy at WalletWin.com/academy
Link to Original Dave video: https://youtu.be/Fq1-NSUfhso?si=-NZfqKIknj8S150E
Music in this episode is by Dylan Gardner – check out his album Almost Real on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to great music.