Plant friends, I’m so excited to finally bring this highly request episode to your earbuds! I have to be honest, for the first 3 years I really wasn’t getting the whole “hoya craze” that many of my plant friends were going through, I just didn’t get it. But after I was gifted a Hoya compacta from a listener… and realized how much it looked like stacked tortellinis, I started falling in love. THEN I went down a rabbit hole of what Hoya flowers looked like and I was sold. When looking for a guest for this show, I knew I had to look no further than Doug Chamberlain, the man behind Vermont Hoyas. Doug is one of the most successful Hoya collectors in all of the states and documents his collection on his blog. Today he shares his passion for hoyas and lots of information about them: where they grow in the wild, basic care, how he achieves ideal humidity in his home, a deep dive into flowers, we bust a few Hoya myths and then he shares his Top 5 Hoyas for Beginners, 3 Hoyas for Advanced Plant Parents and then assigns the perfect Hoya for each Plant Parent Personality.
You’re going to hear a lot of intimidating latin plant names, but he provided amazing photos of all the hoyas which we have collected for your hoya heads in two ways:
I hope this episode sparks your curiosity within the Hoya family, and I'd love to know what your favorite Hoya's are! Share them with my on instagram @bloomandgrowradio.
In this episode we learn:
Spelling and Hoyas Mentioned:
5 Easiest Hoyas to Care forHoya Carnosa, Hoya Carnosa Crimson Queen, Hoya Pubicalyx, Hoya Cumingiana (Doug's Favorite!), Hoya Lacunosa, Hoya sp aff burtoniae
Rare Hoya's for Advanced Plant Parents
Hoya engleriana, Hoya polystachya, Hoya Aff clemensiorum
Plant Parent Personality Hoya Pairings
Mindful Plant Parent Pairing: Hoya undulata
Low Key Plant Parent: Hoya obovata
Curious Collector Plant Parent: Hoya amicabilis
Design Based Plant Parent: Hoya finlaysonii
Urban Farmer: Hoya empirialis (harvest the flowers)
Best Scented HoyasHoya lacunosa, Hoya sp aff burtoniae, Hoya calycina
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Youtube: Doug Chamberlain
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