Hi Plant Friends, our official first episode of Season 7 of BAGR starts next week with the return of the guys from the Plant Daddy Podcast for a great talk about streamlining houseplant care in 2022, but since it’s the first week of 2022, I wanted to share a sweet moment with you that we recently had on a Growing Joy Call in the Bloom & Grow Garden Society: a 3 minute meditation, on the turn of the year, through the eyes of our plants.
It’s just a little something I’m sharing in hopes you can carve out 5 minutes of time this week to get cozy, sit with your plants, listen, reflect and get excited for 2022.
If meditation, visualization or general planty cheesiness isn’t your thing… skip this episode and meet us back here on Tuesday Jan 11th for a highly informative episode to celebrate the launch of the new season!
If you are interested in joining us in Bloom & Grow Virtual Garden Society, visit community.bloomandgrowradio.com to sign up! Next live lecture is this Wednesday January 12th and it’s a Seed Starting Intensive for Vegetables, Flowers AND Indoor Plants! The next Growing Joy Lecture will be about Sowing Seeds of Intention for the 2022 on Jan 18th. All calls get recorded and live in the platform for your binging delights :)