We can’t have a month devoted to Friendship without having an episode on the Friendship Plant, the Pilea Peperomioides! We are so lucky to be joined by the founder of PIEP – the first commercial grower of Pilea Peperomioides in the US to discuss all things Pilea today! www.piep.co is the go to resource for all things Pilea. It ships nation wide and carries not only Pilea but also other drool worthy plants and accessories. Mackenna, the founder of PIEP, is a Pilea specialist and has had such an interesting journey learning to grow this plant. She joins us today to go through not only care basics but also troubleshooting issues and how to care for your Pilea babies correctly! We are so lucky for not only the knowledge she is sharing with us, but she is also offering a special discount to Bloom and Grow listeners so we can all enjoy this happy plant for ourselves! Stay tuned till the end of the episode to learn more! I also want to give a quick shout out to some listeners that came to my rescue this week. I had one listener write in and ask me how to care for his indoor pineapple plant, and to be frank, I had never even heard of a Pineapple plant before! I put a post on Instagram asking any of you if you could be a good plant friend, and help me out with some information to hook this new pineapple plant dad up with, and several of you got back to me within hours! We’ve started a little Pineapple Plant Care email thread and I’m very excited about learning how to care for it. I’m so thankful to @theeden, @homebyfaith, @dirtydtales and @acrazyplantlady10b to stepping up and offering to help! Now without further ado! If you are interested in learning how to care for a Pilea Peperomioides plant, this episode is for you! If you want some yummy discounts to help get yourself a Pilea of your own, this episode is for you! In the episode we learn: - How the heck to actually pronounce Pilea Peperomioides (Pie- Lee-uh Pepper – o – mee – oy- dees) - How Piep was created - The original story behind how the Pilea spread across Europe - Pilea Care 101! - How to properly care for and separate a Pilea pup from it’s mother plant - Troubleshooting issues with caring for Pilea - How and when to fertilize Pilea - What to look forward to seeing Piep carry in the future - Discounts for Bloom and Grow Radio Listeners! (10 % off using the code Bloom10 on www.piep.co) Follow PIEP: Insta: @piep.co, @pilea.lovers, @plantunicorn Facebook: facebook.com/shop.piep Pinterest: pinterest.com/shoppiep www.piep.co Follow Bloom and Grow Radio: Insta: @BloomandGrowRadio Facebook: Bloom and Grow Radio www.bloomandgrowradio.com