While I was in Denver, I had the opportunity to tour The Garden, a 7000 square foot commercial Cannabis grower with my plant friend, and cannabis home grower, Rooney Bloom. In that tour, it was incredibly clear to me that I needed to sit down with the founder of The Garden, Chudy Azuogu and Rooney to discuss their different approaches to growing Cannabis, from seed to harvest. Cannabis is obviously a very popular plant these days for indoor growers… for different reasons than our houseplant plant parenthood obsessions, BUT this two part conversation ends up not being about Cannabis, but perspectives from two growers on how they care for a simple plant. What struck me the most is how commercial growers, (of Cannabis or any other plant) use science and technology to manipulate these plants to grow to their best ability and yield. But really, they are trying to mimic what Mother Nature does so easily. I’m so thankful to Rooney and Chudy for being so open to have this conversation and give us so much knowledge! It was an eye opening conversation that I’m so thankful for!
Disclaimer: if you plan on growing Cannabis, you absolutely must look up your local laws on growing this plant. This episode is not an endorsement for growing Cannabis, but an exploratory conversation for those who do. Do your own research on the legal side if you intend on growing on your own.
Also- you might hear Rooney’s pup walking around and wagging his tail through this conversation, he was a wonderful audience to have in Rooney’s home during this conversation.
In this episode we learn:Thank you to Highline Wellness for Sponsoring today's episode! Highline Wellness makes premium CBD products at honest and affordable prices. They make CBD gummies, oil and pain cream that has broad spectrum CBD with no THC that have been helping me manage anxiety and sleep in all of the different hotel rooms and beds use as I travel to on tour. For 15% off go to highlinewellness.com and use code BLOOM15 for 15% off your first purchase!
Follow Rooney Bloom
Website: www.rooneybloom.com
Follow Chudy
Instagram: @chew_d
Bud Fox Supply Co: @budfoxsupplyco
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