Today, our host Danny Gudorf discusses eight key factors to keep in mind when exploring part-time jobs and volunteer opportunities that fit your lifestyle in retirement.
If there’s one key lesson to take away from this episode, it’s to seek balance between mental stimulation and physical activity while avoiding stress, as well as considering the right mix of financial rewards and employee benefits that different part-time options offer.
As a retiree, you’ll be off to a running start on your search for work by leveraging your existing skills and experiences. At the same time, this new chapter in your life is an amazing opportunity to explore new interests and, by extension, build a new circle of like-minded friends and acquaintances.
Aside from paid work, volunteer opportunities can be just as rewarding an endeavor in retirement. From animal shelters to local libraries to healthcare facilities, you have even more flexibility of choice when it comes to volunteer work, especially when financial compensation is not a priority.
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