1. Noah Loses His Girlfriend: Noah learns that his girlfriend is a long-time con artist when she fakes her death and empties his bank account without so much as a goodbye. Now his mom and his best friend are trying to convince him to go to grief counseling.
Featuring the voice talents of Victor Colome (Javier Marquez), Griffin Puatu (Noah McCauley), Katabelle Ansari (Elise Cole), P.J. Kanis (Agent Courtney), and Chelsea Krause (Kelly McCauley, Noah's phone, and police officer).
Audio Engineered by Manny Simms.
Sound Effects Credits:
1. “running up stairs.aif” © by MAJ061785, retrieved from: https://freesound.org/people/MAJ061785/sounds/85561/, used under Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
2. “Room Tone INT Apartment Traffic Light window open room distant voices” by Cristiano Scherer retrieved from pixaby.com.
3. “Footsteps, walking, high heels, stiletto shoes on internal wood floor” obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
5. “door opening and closing” Sound Effect by 25347980 from Pixabay
6. “Room Ambience” by DoctorKnow, retrieved from: https://freesound.org/people/DoctorKnow/sounds/568106/, under the creative commons 3.0 license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
7. “Monster hissing” by LaurenPonder, retrieved from: https://freesound.org/people/LaurenPonder/sounds/638894/, under the creative commons 4.0 license
8. “Metal mouse or other rodent cage door close 1” from zapsplat. 9. Other sound effects from pixabay and zapsplat.
10. Other sound effects by Manny Simms.