Episode description
#58 - Can the impact on education be measured on patient outcomes?In this episode the hosts take the hotly debate with a recent study published in Jama to their help. Tune in for a discussion that challenges both your workload memory and examines the real-world implications of education in healthcare.
Episode host: Jonathan Sherbino
You find the episode notes on the website
Episode article:
Gray, B. M., Vandergrift, J. L., Stevens, J. P., Lipner, R. S., McDonald, F. S., & Landon, B. E. (2024). Associations of Internal Medicine Residency Milestone Ratings and Certification Examination Scores With Patient Outcomes. JAMA.
PAPERs Podcast consist of
Hosts: Lara Varpio, Jason Frank, Jonathan Sherbino, Linda Snell
Technical Producer: Samuel Lundberg
Web Manager: Alex Alexandersson
Executive Producer: Teresa Sörö
Production of Teaching and Learning at Karolinska Institutet