It’s become a custom at the end of each year to review the bird species we’ve seen and recall the wonderful birding moments that we’ve had.
In this episode I look back at the birds I saw in 2021 and share my favourite birding memories.
Listeners also tell us about their stand out birding moments from the year.
Timestamps & Links:
00:00:00 Opening
00:00:51 Past episode
00:01:22 Audience Survey
00:02:30 My Birding Year - Overview
00:08:46 Share the show on social media
00:09:32 My birding year by month
00:34:23 Support the show
00:35:32 Your sightings
00:44:14 Events in 2022
00:45:43 Wrap and Close
Thanks to Randy Braun for designing the artwork for the show.
The theme music is Short Sleeved Shirt by The Drones.
Check out their website at
The Casual Birder Podcast
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