This episode of the WORK podcast features future of work expert Jeff Schwartz. Jeff is a Senior Advisor in the Future of Work at Deloitte Consulting, author of the book WORK DISRUPTED, an Adjunct Professor Columbia Business School and last year was named the Vice President of Insights and Impact at Gloat. Gloat is the first-ever Internal Talent Marketplace that helps enterprises democratize career development, unlock skills, and future-proof their workforces leveraging AI to facilitate internal talent mobility and access.
Jeff Schwartz
Columbia University Graduate School of Business
MIT SMR-Deloitte Workforce Ecosystems Research
Center for the Transformation of Work
Susan Cantrell - Beyond the job
Dror Gurevich-Velocity Foundation
MBO Partners - Creator Economy Research
Opportunity Marketplaces: Aligning Workforce Investment and Value Creation in the Digital Enterprise
Workforce Ecosystem: A New Strategic Approach to the Future of Work
Framers: Human Advantage in an Age of Technology and Turmoil