In this episode of Views on Vue the panel interviews core team member Rahul Kadyan. They discuss his various contributions to the vue ecosystem and his recent conference, Awesome Conf. The panel starts by asking Rahul about rollup-plugin-vue. Rollup is a bundle like webpack. When Rahul got his start in Vue he wanted to use rollup so he created rollup-plugin-vue. This caught the eye of the core team and he received an invite to join the core team. Rahul spends most of his time in Vue working with compilers, the panel asks him about template compilation. He explains when template compilation happens and how knowing how it works can help you create better templates. Rahul shares all the awesome things that can be done with templates. The topic moves to stand alone and runtime only builds in Vue. Rahul explains how each of these builds. The panel considers possible use cases for both builds. The stand alone build being larger is good for only about 10% of cases. The runtime only build works well in cases where you already have a build process. On top of Vue being smaller, it can also make your website run faster. Rahul recently gave a talk about single file components or SFC in Vue. He explains the easiest ways to use SFC and what it is capable of. The panel compares SFC to an ordinary JavaScript file. Rahul lists the benefits of using and SFC over a regular JavaScript file, one being you get the best out of the box render function in Vue. The panel asks about the work Rahul is doing at work, building a design language system. He explains the difference between a design system and a design language system. A design language system defines what every interaction will look like, it has a larger scope than a regular design system. He explains how useful it is and what they use it for. Some of his other contributions to the Vue ecosystem include the vs code language plugin he is currently working on. In this project, he is exploring ways to find all your global components so that way he can provide completions for all the components. Also in this plugin, he is exploring using a compiler to get all the information about each component. He is hoping to include editing capabilities which gets the panel really excited. Rahul has a repo called vue-lazy-hydration, which allows you to hydrate components as you need them while doing server-side rendering. He explains what he means by hydration and how by using async hydration the long delay that normally comes with server-side rendering is no longer a problem. He is currently creating demos for the repo. The first Awesome Conf was held recently and Rahul shares his experience setting it up. Awesome Conf is different than other conferences in that the speakers were actually the attendees. Rahul explains how all this came about. At first, they were going for a normal conference but didn’t get enough speakers, so they reached out to the attendees and told them they would have to provide the talks. They provided topics for the attendees to choose from and chose 15 talks from the ones submitted. With such a small conference they let everyone bring a plus one. The conference was a success and everyone had a great time. Rahul is looking forward to doing another Awesome Conf this time for design. He is still working out the details but he wants a diverse group that can really learn from each other. The panel considers what they would do if they were asked to speak. They share their fears of speaking and Rahul shares some of the advice he gave to the speakers as he helped them prepare for their talks. To finish the episode, Chris Fritz asks Rahul why he chooses to work with compilation. Rahul shares his story about getting into computer science and eventually compilation. He explains why he loves working in compilation and how it helps him as a front end developer. Panelists