Joined by Special Guest: Tessa Episode Summary Tessa is UI developer, teacher, and community organizer. Her passion is finding more ways to build reusable components. She talks about the component work she’s been doing, specifically experimenting with building a reusable component library that’s documented and building reusable components into existing apps. She talks about what she means by reusable component and her approach to building components. They discuss the use of slots, wrapping, and how they came to understand scope slots. In addition to component libraries, Tessa loves teaching. She delves into her history with teaching and some of her methods. They talk about the importance of student interaction and how students are encouraged to answer questions and interact with each other. Tessa believes that it is important to create an atmosphere where people feel like they have something to contribute, including more advanced students helping more beginner students. Tessa talks about her experience with organizing communities and meetups within the tech world. She gives advice on how to start your own meetup. Tessa is currently an organizer for VueNYC, and talks about some of her work with them. She gives techniques for building communities and motivating people to talk to each other and interact at meetups. Organizing communities and meetups tips. The panel discusses inclusivity in the tech world and how to incorporate multiple demographics into meetups. Finally, Tessa introduces her concept that she has spoken on in the past, “trash brain”, which is how you might know the solution to a problem but it is very context specific, and the panel discusses how to deal with that. Links