In this episode of Views on Vue, Charles Max Wood interviews speakers at GitLab Commit 2019. Eddie Zaneski from Digital Ocean talks about "Creating a CI/CD Pipeline with GitLab and Kubernetes in 20 minutes", Shamiq Islam from Coinbase talks about "Closing the SDLC Loop- Automating Security" and Jasmine James, from Delta Airlines, discusses " How Delta Became Cloud Native-Avoiding the Vendor Lock". Eddie, Shamiq, and Jasmine give the 5 min "elevator pitch" for the talks they gave at the conference. In his talk, Eddie deploys a fake startup going through the whole pipeline: building the application, containerizing an application and shipping it off to Kubernetes. Shamiq, talks about how the conventional approach to security is to consider it at the very end after all developer has wrapped up their work and why that should change. Jasmine explains more in-depth what it means for a big corporation like Delta to be in a Vendor Lock. Sponsors