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It can be tempting to ignore all or parts of your core process with a new client.
You might find yourself jumping into an engagement head first, reacting to demands and/or responding to tactical projects already in motion.
Things may be under tight timelines and the client feels like they know what they need to do, they just need a little guidance.
But the problem is, when you skip some or all of your core process, things quickly begin to fall apart.
Instead of deciding what to do, you're reacting to things the client wants you to do.
Instead of diagnosing the real problems and developing a strategic plan, you're working within the parameters of their thinking, not yours.
But you're hired to be the expert and you've been doing this a long time. Which means you need to be true to the process that has gotten results time and time again.
In this episode, I talk about the three big reasons why you should have a formal process and stick to it during all of your client engagements.
Every time I skip some or all of it, I always regret it. At very least, I prefer to check the boxes so I know no stone is unturned.
Listen in for more.