For the first few years in business, all my clients were local to my area.
I was worried about moving to another city in case it meant I'd lose all my clients! Gaah!
In retrospect, I had little to be worried about. But it was a very real concern.
Today, none of my clients live or operate locally. The closest one is an hour away. Most are flights away.
What changed? I specialized.
On our Q&A call, only two of us had clients from around the world. We were also, coincidentally or not, specialized.
Those who had local clients all had one thing in common: they didn't specialize.
Now, there's nothing inherently good or bad about local clients. If anything, it's good to have clients locally for the face-to-face element (remember that?).
But the point I'm making is that when you specialize, your market actually opens up. You actually do marketing in a very different way. You think in terms of where your target market hangs out.
You form partnerships, seek to share audiences, and so much more.
People like doing business with the best person for the job. If they can find a specialist, they'll likely try to work with them first. If not, they will go with whoever they know.
Here's my thoughts on the whole thing and how it all worked out.