Episode 34: How will the 2024 election impact AI advancements by 2025? Matt Wolfe (https://x.com/mreflow) and Nathan Lands (https://x.com/NathanLands) dive into the implications of the upcoming Trump term.
In this episode, Matt and Nathan discuss the potential AI developments over the next few years, how different political outcomes could shape AI progress, and the shifting landscape in Silicon Valley. They explore the latest in AI models like OpenAI 01, the debate over AGI timelines, and how regulatory approaches might impact America’s competitive edge in tech.
Check out The Next Wave YouTube Channel if you want to see Matt and Nathan on screen: https://lnk.to/thenextwavepd
Show Notes:
(00:00) This won't become political; mood is changing.
(04:55) Reduce government size, invest severance in tech.
(08:28) AI can reveal corruption in government spending.
(10:58) AI regulation may favor big companies, hinder startups.
(14:50) Sam Altman expects AGI by 2025, despite skepticism.
(17:59) AGI expected around 2025-2027, training slowing.
(19:56) AI models don't learn in real-time conversations.
(22:48) Humans struggle to foresee technological advancements' impact.
(27:53) AGI leads to ASI due to intelligence.
(29:39) Optimistic about AI and future advancements.
(32:20) Predicts accurately, but often wrong on timing.
Sam Altman: https://blog.samaltman.com/
OpenAI: https://openai.com/
Dario Amodei: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dario-amodei-3934934/
Anthropic: https://www.anthropic.com/
AlphaFold: https://alphafold.ebi.ac.uk/
Dogecoin: https://dogecoin.com/
Check Out Matt’s Stuff:
• Future Tools - https://futuretools.beehiiv.com/
• Blog - https://www.mattwolfe.com/
• YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/@mreflow
Check Out Nathan's Stuff:
Newsletter: https://news.lore.com/
Blog - https://lore.com/
The Next Wave is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Darren Clarke // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano