* 3:38 – Marjie talks about how she became a dog trainer and shares some stories from that time.
* 20:13 – Marjie discusses how her approach to learning has helped her as the Executive Director of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC).
* 24:50 – Ryan asks Marjie to talk a bit about what she means by some people viewing the use or non/use of certain tools in training as a religion.
* 30:11 – Marjie talks about the importance of accountability and collaboration in the field.
* 33:11 – The need for regulation in the industry is discussed.
* 35:36 - Marjie and Ryan talk about the potential benefits or harm of the use of the word “tribe”.
* 38:38 – Ryan asks Marjie if she thinks that people have a desire to belong to something and how we can satisfy that desire to people, while being inclusive.
* 51:12 – Marjie shares five important lessons she has learned that have helped her achieve success with the IAABC.
* 51:38 – 1.) “Never select ‘reply all’ by mistake.”
* 51:47 – 2.) “Be something people can move toward, rather than huddling against together”.
* 52:10 – 3.) “Fight for what’s right over what is popular”.
* 52:28 – 4.) “The internet will kill me someday”.
* 52:34 – 5.) “Most people are great.”
* 53:37 - Marjie talks about the “Lemonade Conference” which is being done in collaboration between the IAABC and Fenzi Dog Sports Academy.
* 57:15 – “The Pandemic Handbook” and “The Dog Trainer’s Handbook” will soon be available on the IAABC website .
* 1:02 – Marjie talks about what she would like to see happen in the next 5-10 years in the animal training world.