Dr Robert Hewings is the author of ‘Scent and Scent-ability’ and head of learning and development for the UK College of Scent Detection, and a highly experienced Canine Trainer. He retired from the Metropolitan Police after 30 years’ exemplary service, 25 of which was as a Police Dog Handler. The final nine years as a full-time trainer with the Metropolitan Police Dog Training Establishment. He has enhanced this experience with a BSc (Canine Training and Behaviour) MA (Professional Practice Police Dog Training) and a Doctor of Professional Practice (D/Prof) Canine Scent Detection. Rob has instructed all police canine-search disciplines including explosive search and narcotics, supporting this with an amazing academic journey that has without doubt enhanced his relationship with the dogs he trains.
Combining his scent detection experience Rob is currently training scent detection within the ‘Assistance Dog Community’ where, working in partnership with the PTSD Charity Bravehound is researching and training dogs to recognise the scent of a nightmare, and gently wake the sufferer.
Finally, Rob truly understands the importance of a positive training schedule with the dogs he trains and the people he coaches. He wishes to share his love and experience of search training with you and your dog. Witnessing the enjoyment, enthusiasm and excitement the dogs get from being engaged in the natural process of ‘nose-work’ has been his guilty pleasure for the last 25 years & as Rob says… long may this continue!!