1:25 - Ryan introduces Greg.
3:27 – Greg talks about his recent work in Kenya with the Kenya Wildlife Service.
7:50 – Greg’s journey to becoming the Curator of Applied Welfare at San Diego Zoo is discussed.
18:50 – Greg shares how he learned to evolve to create effective change within systems.
24:34 – The reason for the title of “Curator of Applied Animal Welfare” is explained.
27:21 – Ryan asks Greg to share what an average week is like for him.
30:11 – Greg explains the “Five Opportunities to Thrive” model.
46:00 – “The Opportunity for a Thoughtfully Presented, Well Balanced Diet”
49:00 - “The Opportunity to Self-Maintain”
54:29 - “The Opportunity for Optimal Health”
59:29 - “The Opportunity to Express Species-Specific Behavior”
1:02 - “The Opportunities for Choice and Control”
1:09 – Greg talks about what he would like to see happen in the next 5-10 years in the world of animal welfare.
1:13 - Greg directs people to https://www.sandiegozooglobal.org/ and the Institute for Conservation Research at https://institute.sandiegozoo.org/# to learn more.
1:15 - Ryan thanks Greg for coming on the show.
1:16 - Ryan directs people to www.animaltrainingacademy.com to find out more about ATA including membership.