* 4:30 - The Growth Mindset defined, why it is important and how it impacts and influences both behaviours and outcomes in our lives
* 8:00 - Ryan and Afiya raise how the context, & individual learning history may support and impact the development of our mindset
* 9:10 - Afiya shares ideas on where our mindset comes from
* 11:45 - How success impacts our mindset
* 15:00 - How praise can influence our mindset
* 18:00 - How communicating and rewarding a process rather than the product can impact mindset and lead to growth over time
* 20:19 - Ryan asks about ‘Imposter Syndrome’ in relation to the growth mindset
* 21:30 - Afiya discusses how our level of self-awareness can be beneficial for developing a growth mindset
* 22:15 - Afiya describes some benefits of being open about mistakes and imperfection
* 23:48 - Afiya shares a personal example of how your mindset can influence others around you and how struggle and challenge is an important part of the learning process
* 25:54 - Neuro-science & the growth mindset.
* 28:49 - Afiya talks about engaging in learning zone activities and deliberate practice to improve an aspect or skill
* 31:40 - Ryans asks about vulnerability, courage and teaching in different contexts with animals or humans
* 39:20 - Afiya discusses ways to help support others in developing a growth mindset.
* 41:09 - Growth mindset as a life long process of learning and development
* 45:57 - The importance of having awareness & reflecting on our own behaviours