Episode 168 is part 2 of this special instalment. We welcome back two previous guests of the ATA podcast show to talk about what it's like to parent with some ABA [Applied Behaviour Analysis] & training knowledge on board.
Firstly, Dr Susan Friedman, a retired psychology professor of Utah State University who pioneered the application of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) to captive and companion animals.
And secondly, the excellent Rick Hester, the Curator of Behavioural Husbandry for the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado. There Rick oversees all the zoo's behavioural programs, including animal training for husbandry, medical, public show behaviours, enrichment, developing programs to improve problem behaviour situations, and the zoo's formal animal welfare assessments.
And, since 2015, Rick has also worked for Dr Friedman's Behaviour Works as a consultant and course co-instructor
Listen to part 1 here >>>