In a world where we’re connected to people across the globe, it’s nearly impossible for us NOT to create parasocial relationships.
If you publish content or have an audience filled with people you don’t know personally, you create parasocial relationships. And that’s totally fine
The trouble starts with ensuring everyone understands that we’re in these relationships and that they can make us more vulnerable to predatory tactics.
In this episode, we’re answering the questions of what parasocial relationships are, how they affect us, and how they’re being weaponized against us?
We discuss:
What are parasocial relationships?
The evolution of parasocial relationships.
How we create these relationships with online content creators.
The deliberate cultivation of parasocial relationships by celebrities and online business owners.
The impact of parasocial relationships on consumer behavior.
What consumers need to be aware of with their parasocial relationships and how it influences buying decisions.
For detailed show notes and links to everything mentioned in this episode, please visit
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