Welcome to Episode 373 of the Microsoft Cloud IT Pro Podcast where Ben and Scott close out their review of Microsoft Intune and its third pillar - Endpoint security. They discuss the core components of Endpoint security, including antivirus, disk encryption, and firewall configuration. Ben also takes Scott on a tour of some more hidden gems in Endpoint security, including managed installers along with endpoint detection and response policies.
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Show Notes
Microsoft Intune troubleshooting
Manage endpoint security in Microsoft Intune
Manage BitLocker policy for Windows devices with Intune
Use FileVault disk encryption for macOS with Intune
Monitor device encryption with Intune
Endpoint security firewall rule migration tool overview
Enforce compliance for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint with Conditional Access in Intune
Endpoint detection and response policy for endpoint security in Intune
Manage approved apps for Windows devices with App Control for Business policy and Managed Installers for Microsoft Intune
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