Welcome to Episode one of the Cyber PR Music Podcast. Over the past 23 years since I started Cyber PR, I realize that having a “hyphenated career” is essential for all of us as artists and industry peeps to learn a lot of things.
The Cyber PR Music Podcast Will be a Combination of 2 Things:Presenting my articles, parts of my books and observations in short form (approx 15 minutes each episode).
Interviews with people furthering the conversation about marketing and PR in the music business.
Very few of us have goals written out with timelines attached and this is precisely why I wanted to start this podcast series with this topic.
There are 2 Types of GoalsBig Picture / Long Term Goals - What does your music want to do in the world and what is your intention for it? Why do you make music in the first place? What will you be thinking about when you lie on your death bed in respect to what you created?
Actionable Step Goals / Short Term Goals - The goals that make up the steps that create the map to your own personal success. Releasing your next music, taking your next tour, etc.
These work like a map so that you can actually get where you want to go.
Note: Goals and Metrics are two separate things - I talk to so many artists who want metrics (like I want 1M streams on Spotify) but they don’t have a GOAL around the desire for the metric.
Write Down Your Goals: Start With Big Picture / Long Term GoalsPut a 5 or 10-year timeline around these goals - they should be big and exciting.
Next,Get Detailed Actionable Step Goals / Short Term GoalsBranding – Your look, your feel, your image, your health and/or your pitch, bio, unveiling your story, etc.
Marketing – What will you do for your marketing? Will you be hiring an assistant or a company to help?
Newsletter – Creating and sending it 12 – 24 times a year (1-2 times a month). Also getting the numbers up on your mailing list while flushing out the inactive emails addresses on the list.
Website – How is it at this point Building a new one, diversifying your online presence, or re-branding?
Social Media – When was the last time you took stock in your overall social media goals Instagram?
Music PR – Getting covered on online outlets (blogs, podcasts, websites). Are people talking about you in the blogosphere?
Booking – Touring or local gigs? Maybe a combination of both?
Downloads, Streams & Merch Sales – What will you release, distribute, and sell? What are your goal numbers around these?
Licensing – Will you work towards this in the near future in this domain
Expanding and Maintaining Your Fan Base – How will you focus on new fan outreach, but still acknowledge and appreciate those who have been true fans of yours for years?
Team – Will you be trying to get a manager or a booking agent?
Writing & Recording – Songwriting or recording an album or EP in the coming months?
Instruments & Learning – Buying a new instrument or taking lessons?
Time Management – How will you manage to balance your time to make sure you can focus on your musical goals?
Money – How much money would you honestly and realistically like to earn a year?
How To Write Down Your GoalsWrite down each goal as if they are already happening. Add a date and it can’t rely on someone else.
Be pragmatic - make sure your goals are realistic and achievable. Start with something that is easy to do that you can check off easily.
If you don’t know where to start, try practicing the KonMari / Marie Kondo method on your studio or closet to clear out what may be cluttering your mind and keeping you from getting your goals activated in the first place
Write Down 5 Successes Each DayWrite down five little victories each day. Once you start getting into this habit, you are training yourself to put the focus on the positive and get your brain to stop being so critical.
Put a notebook next to your bed and each day write down 5 things. Make sure one or two of them are music or band related.
Make ListsMake daily lists of what you need to do to get your goals met – the night before!
Do the hardest thing first in the morning – don’t be a procrastinator. By getting the most daunting task done first, everything else will seem like a breeze.
Delegate the little activities that waste your valuable time to other people.
Don’t overload yourself – studies show that 6 tasks is the maximum you can achieve in one day!
And if you have a day job remember that you probably don’t have as many hours in the day as you think you do so maybe 1-2 tasks a day is a great goal to start with.
Episode Action Sheet:Join the Cyber PR Music Newsletter
and get my FREE Music Marketing Checksheet
Marie Kondo and the KonMari decluttering method
T Harv Eker mindset and money coach
Links Mentioned:This episode showcases my article
The Musician’s Guide To Setting And Achieving Goals on the Cyber PR Music Blog.
Work With Me:
Music PR
Musician’s Total Tuneup
1) Subscribe to my podcast - The Cyber PR Music Podcast
2) Check out my newest ebook Social Media Tuneup to walk yourself how to effectively ratchet up your social media presence across all channels
3) Order my bestselling book CROWDSTART a step-by-step guide to a successful 30-day crowdfunding campaign. Available on Amazon
3) Learn in one of my LABS masterclasses - there are 12 to choose from and they focus in on areas you may want to hone in on including: Supercharge Your PR, Release Music With Ease, and Getting Sponsored.
4) Read any of the 300+ blog posts I have written to help you get ahead in the business. My main focus areas are marketing, music PR, crowdfunding, and making money.