If your goal is to get a job, sure, you can stick with informational interviews. But if you're after a fulfilling career that pays really well, then you must do things differently than the rest of the world. The internet and self-proclaimed job experts have been chanting the mantra of informational interviews as the go-to solution for career change. But over the years, we've discovered that these interviews can actually throw up more roadblocks than solutions. In general, we've never been big fans of following the crowd, and that remains the same when it comes to informational interviews. In this episode, Scott dives into why we're not big proponents of this approach. Instead, he'll introduce you to a game-changer that will bring you much closer to your career goals: test-driving conversations.
What you'll learn
Our book, Happen To Your Career: An Unconventional Approach To Career Change and Meaningful Work, is now available on audiobook! Visit happentoyourcareer.com/audible to order it now! Visit happentoyourcareer.com/book for more information or buy the print or ebook here!
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