James had identified Amazon as the company he wanted to work for, but they kept rejecting him.
His values aligned with the organization and he was extremely excited about their company culture, but he kept repeating the same cycle. He would land an interview with Amazon (woo!) only to be told they “went a different direction” after the interview(ugh). So how did he end up landing his dream role with Amazon? By upgrading his mindset, persevering through rejection, and expertly using his network.
Tune in as James shares his story of making a career change from Boeing to Amazon!
What you’ll learn
Our book, Happen To Your Career: An Unconventional Approach To Career Change and Meaningful Work, is now available on audiobook! Visit happentoyourcareer.com/audible to order it now! Visit happentoyourcareer.com/book for more information or buy the print or ebook here!
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