A lack of career clarity can leave you feeling directionless. Luckily there is a practice that can help you discover what makes you unique, what motivates you, what you enjoy in your work, and can help you build a more intentional life and career: Reflection. In order to achieve her own career clarity, HTYC coach, Briana Riley, built a reflection practice that she uses in her coaching today.
What you'll learn
Our book, Happen To Your Career: An Unconventional Approach To Career Change and Meaningful Work, is now available on audiobook! Visit happentoyourcareer.com/audible to order it now! Visit happentoyourcareer.com/book for more information or buy the print or ebook here!
Have career change questions? Email scott@happentoyourcareer.com
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Free Resources
What career fits you? Join our free 8 Day Mini Course to figure it out!
Career Change Guide - Learn how high-performers discover their ideal career and find meaningful, well-paid work without starting over.
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