Episode description
Podcast Survey - https://brightdigit.typeform.com/to/yVZN2gIT
Youtube Video - https://youtu.be/2Lj21NQ3CXI
Related Episodes
- Episode 38 - Accessibility with Kim Arnett
- Episode 92 - WWDC 2021 - Platforms State of the Union with Peter Witham
Related Links
WWDC 2021 Sessions
- What's new in Foundation
- The practice of inclusive design
- Localize your SwiftUI app
- Streamline your localized strings
- What's new in SwiftUI
- What’s new in SF Symbols
360iDev - August 22 -25 (Hybrid)
- The Leading indie iOS/Mac (and watchOS, and tvOS) Developer conference
- It's all about Community and Code!
- Four days of hands-on training, amazing sessions, and the great community. All Swift.
- Available Online or In-Person
Use the promo code EmpowerApps to get 25% off registration.
What is Localization
- What's the relationship with Internalization?
- Why does limiting yourself to English speaker hurt your app?
- What's the relationship with accessibility?
- Why you should start doing it now?
- What's the first thing you should do with your Xcode project?
- What's new with inflections from WWDC 2021?
- What's the best way to take advantage of formatters?
- How does WWDC 2021 improve formatters?
- What's Zach's biggest pet peeve with Localization tutorials?
Social Media
GitHub - @brightdigit
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdion
Instagram - @brightdigit
Patreon - empowerappshow
Music from https://filmmusic.io
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
- Holly Borla
- Bertram Eber
- Edward Sanchez
- Satoshi Mitsumori
- Steven Lipton