If you're only here to find out whether Ann knew about the affair (and would listen hatefully and resentfully to anything that's not that) skip to 25 minutes in. See, we value your time! And we don't want you to be mad at us. That being said, we'd love for you to listen from the beginning because we worked really hard on it. Ann worked so hard she got back pain. Amanda, on the other hand, always has back pain.
Oscar recounts Scandoval breaking while he and Ann were on vacation in Japan and share some rich insights on reality TV. How dare someone be so thoughtful and entertaining!?
Maybe this is too much apologetic woman energy (so sorry about that!!) but we would like to acknowledge that the audio ain't perfect for this episode. We're learning and we're growing and we're doing everything we can to level up your auditory experience. It's only up from here! And if you feel inspired to help us level up, there's always Patreon.....
We dare you to subscribe and double dog dare you to turn on automatic downloads. Do it, bitch. If you're feeling WILD leave us a review but, in the words of Robby Hoffman and Rachel Kaly, "It should be good. 5 stars only!!!"
Follow us on instagram @wesignedannda @mikiannmaddox @liffordthebigreddog so you can slither in our DMs with constructive feedback, but please, for the love of god, don't cyberbully us. We're fragile :-/
If you're picking up what we're putting down and want even more, support us on Patreon. You have no idea how many times, while recording, we've said "Wait, this is too batshit.....we'll put it on Patreon"
Our cover art was made by America's sweetheart, Maddy Weinberg, and our theme song features parts of "Kawaii Til I Die" by Starjunk 95