Welcome to Season Three, Episode 1. We kick off the latest season of the Sales Enablement Lab podcast with a conversation with Tamara Schenk. Tamara is Research Director at CSO Insights focussed on Sales Enablement. Tamara joined us earlier in season one for a conversation on 'Why a Systems Approach to Sales Enablement is Crucial.'
In this episode, we will discuss the latest research from CSO Insights on Sales Enablement, based on a study and survey conducted earlier this year. Because of the wealth of information Tamara has to share this will be a two-part podcast.
This week we will answer questions like: 'What is according to CSO Insights the latest definition of Sales Enablement?', 'How mature is Sales Enablement currently?' or 'What is the scope of Sales Enablement?'
If you are interested reading the full report you can find it here (scroll down and download the CSO Insights 2016 Sales Enablement Optimization Study). If you would like to read more from Tamara I highly recommend her blog posts.