Diane Zinna became an adult orphan at 23 after losing her father at 15 and her mother the day she graduated from a master’s program in creative writing. Each time she sat down to write, themes of grief and loss filled the page. Diane's new novel, The All-Night Sun, tells the story of a grieving teacher whose losses follow her to a Midsommar’s Eve celebration, where things take a dark turn. Today, we’re talking about how we decide when to share our grief stories with others, and how common it is for our grief stories to be disjointed, unpredictable, and non-linear. Find Diane’s book, The All-Night Sun here: https://dianezinna.com/ Order my new book, Your Grief, Your Way here: https://www.shelbyforsythia.com/your-grief-your-way Find 90-minute Zoom workshops here: https://www.shelbyforsythia.com/events Get grief support for just $3/month! Support Coming Back on Patreon and receive weekly grief guidance prompts, LIVE grief support calls with me, and fun podcast swag: https://www.patreon.com/shelbyforsythia Apply for one-on-one grief guidance with me: http://www.shelbyforsythia.com/grief-guidance Subscribe to Coming Back: