Show Notes0:00:00Introduction Richard Saunders 0:03:32For Crying Out Loud! It's Kat McLeod
This week Kat relates her journey, over the past year, from attending a skeptical conference in Canada to becoming a reporter for the Skeptic Zone. This is right from the 'who could have ever see this coming?' files and is a great illustration of how important it is to support skeptical events. Plus we hear Kat's theme music for the first time.
0:11:28Ben Radford, Australia Bound
The legend himself! Ben Radford has been a fulltime scientific investigator and writer for 25 years. Now for the first time he is heading to Australia to talk at the Austraian Skeptics National Convention in November in Sydney. Will he find the elusive Yowie during his trip? We also hear about other meetings Ben is attending and more about the Squaring the Stange Podcast. 0:23:56The Book of Tim. With Tim Mendham
The History of EUTSBy Barry Williams (aka Sir Jim)
In this classic article, Sir Jim R. Wallaby investigates energies unknown to science... and those that are.