0:00:00Introduction Richard Saunders 00:03:38You Can Count on Adrienne. With Adrienne Hill
Adrienne was invited by Dr. Rodney Schmaltz, a psychologist, to speak at Grant MacEwan University in Edmonton Canada. During the visit, Adrienne interviewed Dr. Schmaltz about the exciting activities in his critical thinking course and his involvement with the upcoming LiliCon 2024 on Thursday, October 24, from 12-4 pm at CSICon.
The Western Australia branch of the Cancer Council has been nominated for the 2024 Bent Spoon award for the promotion of pseudoscience, in this case offering therapies based on the pseudoscience of reiki and reflexology.
This week, you can count on Kate and Allie to sum up numerology, calculate some life path numbers, and multiply the giggles! They'll divide the complexities of the subject, angle in on the important bits, and hopefully not leave you feeling irrational. Tune in as they break down what it all means and show you how to add a little skepticism to your life! 0:35:32A The TROVE Archives
A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to Crime and the Supernatural.
1939.12.02 - The Herald - Melbourne 1928.07.05 - The Kalgoorlie Miner