0:00:00Introduction Richard Saunders 00:05:32Wikipedia and Belle Gibson
Susan Gerbic from Guerrilla Skeptics on Wikipedia takes us through some of the recent activity and interest shown in convicted scammer Belle Gibson in relation to her Wikipedia page. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belle_Gibson0:20:42In Search Of - Water Seekers
A review of the 1978 episode from the "In Search Of" series that looks into the phenomenon of water divining or water dousing. We discover pseudoscience and logical fallacies galore. An excellent lesson in critical thinking.
We asked Gemini AI to write part #4 of the misadventures of Psychic Penny and the Galactic Federation. Joining Richard Saunders in this segment, playing the parts of a psychic and aliens, are Kat McLeod, Adrienne Hill, Lara Benham and Maynard. 0:44:54The TROVE Archives
A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to Australian Skeptics.
1987.04.17 - The Canberra Times 1994.09.22 - The Canberra Times