0:00:00Introduction Richard Saunders 00:02:26SkeptiCal 2024
We talk to famed fighter of nonsense Dr Eugenie C. Scott about the upcoming SkeptiCal Conference.
SkeptiCal is the scientific skepticism conference brought to you by Northern California Skeptics. The SkeptiCal Conference brings stimulating and entertaining speakers (including Australia's own Dr Karl Kruszelnicki) to a world-wide audience of science fans, critical thinkers, and, in the words of Carl Sagan, questioners of "extraordinary claims". Join them for two engaging days of speakers, interviews, and discussions. And - test your wits on a round of SkeptiCal trivia, and try your hand at SkeptiCal's popular Skepardy! game.
Guest reporter Rob Palmer attended the inaugural Triangle SkeptiCamp that took place on 25th of May 2024 in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
In part #2 of a series of interviews from the event, Rob chats to Kenny Biddle, chief investigator at the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry and attendee Jane Selkie.