Ahhhh Boy Meets World. Chances are your first on screen crush was Topanga (unless you're Melanie - who was her first crush?? Listen and find out!) We are joined by Boy Meets World expert Denis Moric to shed some light on the reasons behind interesting character choices, the wholesome content of the family unit, and whether it's okay for a ghost to grab someone's butt without their permission! (Spoiler alert, it's not! Be better, ghosts!)
See more of Denis and what he's up to on his website: https://denismoricmedia.com/ Watch the trailer for his short film, Defrocked: Omair's Solstice! Coming soon to a film festival near you!
Send us a voice message or send us an email at dessertbeforebreakfast@gmail.com!
Hosted by Mike Dorval and Melanie Germain. Editing by Callyn Dorval. Music by the Brass Action.