In this episode we are joined by Josh Pendlebury, from the Vancouver VGM sensation The Runaway Four to talk about Ace Attorney (the game AND the show!) Solve the murder with us as we try to piece together the anime series, and Melanie tries to tell all the characters apart!
Check out Runaway Four's new album The Fast, out now! The full album is available to purchase on Bandcamp: https://therunawayfour.bandcamp.com/album/the-fast and a portion is available to stream on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/6SeEqnhCS4PPIpvlQWXAnJ?si=LPErIzoMSySe8Mcf8vu4oA
Do you think the anime was better than the game? Let us know by dropping us a voice message or an email at us at dessertbeforebreakfast@gmail.com!
Hosted by Mike Dorval and Melanie Germain. Editing by Callyn Dorval. Music by the Brass Action.