The Best of Season 6 is here! Top stories, insights, and tips from experts in health, happiness, mindset, mental health, and more!
Sonia Jhas (3:07) - Learn how to deeply define health and wellness for yourself apart from societal and cultural conditioning
Craig Weller - (8:13) Learn how to innoculate yourself from fear and other elite mindset tools used by elite special forces
John Coyle - (13:43) Expert in our perception of time and how to live life richly and fully
Michael Bauman - (17:00) How to define deep success...
Michael Bauman - (21:43) How to overcome Impostor Syndrome and Limiting Beliefs
John Helliwell (25:10) Editor of World Happiness Report, How to be Happy...
Brian Levenson - (29:32) Difference between Preparation and Performance Mindset
Joe Sanok - (32:20) 4-Day Work Week, Optimizing Productivity, and Neural Syncing
Peter Sage - (35:17) 6 Months in the most violent prison in the UK, power of mindset
Krista Scott Dixon - (38:34) Masterclass on mental health...
Lettie Gore - (42:52) Black historian and racial justice educator
Luke Tyburski - (44:51) Ultra-endurance athlete, unseen mental health struggles