Want to know the 6 categories that account for 75% of people's happiness across the world?
John Helliwell is a professor emeritus of Economics at University of British Columbia and distinguished senior fellow at the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. He is the editor of the World Happiness Report. A landmark survey of the state of global happiness that ranks 156 countries by how happy their citizens perceive them to be that has been running for the last decade.
So, if anyone should know what actually makes people happy it is him.
In this conversation we cover everything from...
1. The 6 variables that have the most impact on people's happiness...they are probably not what you think...
2. Creating dystopia
3. How COVID has affected world happiness and mental health
4. The pandemic of loneliness...wait, is there one?
5. Pursuing personal happiness vs. happiness of others
6. Why the Nordic countries consistently rank in the Top 10 every year...
And so much more! Incredible conversation! You will not leave the conversation without having at least 1 misconception about happiness and the state of the world disproved...
Here is the link to the World Happiness Report. Check it out! It is truly jaw-dropping in its scope and results...