It’s Outside/In’s annual winter show, in which the team gathers around the proverbial fire to share our best ideas towards becoming better friends with winter. The dream is to not just survive, but thrive – dare we say, to “surthrive” – and embrace the season, both the cold and the cozy.
This year, we’re joined by the wonderful Mara Hoplamazian, climate and environment reporter at New Hampshire Public Radio.
You can read our list here. We’d also love to hear your recommendations! We might even play them on the podcast or share your tips in our (free) newsletter.
Send your suggestions, ideally as a voice recording, to or call our hotline, 1-844-GO-OTTER.
Featuring a few of the cold-water dippers of Maine, including Betsy Lou Dawkins, Cholla Foot, Juliet Cox, Anne Buckwalter, and the crowd at a Two Maine Mermaids full moon dip.
A word on cold water immersion
People engage in cold water dipping or swimming around the world. Many claim health benefits, like a boosted immune system and reduced inflammation. But it’s obviously not a risk-free activity.
Physiologist Michael Tipton told us a couple things to be aware of: 1) cold water shock, which prompts an involuntary gasp – bad news if you’re underwater 2) cold water exposure can send competing signals to your heart, potentially causing cardiac arrhythmia. But he also said, "I'm not sitting here as the fun police stopping people doing what they want to do. It's just we would encourage them to do it safely."
Here’s another overview of benefits and risks of cold-water swimming.
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Host: Nate Hegyi
Produced and mixed by Justine Paradis
Edited by Taylor Quimby
Executive producer: Rebecca Lavoie
Music for this episode by Autohacker, Nul Tiel Records, John Runefelt, Blue Dot Sessions, Smartface, Xavy Rasan, Iso Indie, and Vaain.
Special thanks to Michael Tipton, Kelsy Hartley, Caitlin Hopkins, and Judith Greene-Janse.
Our theme music is by Breakmaster Cylinder.
Outside/In is a production of New Hampshire Public Radio.