The guys swap tales of dodging clouds, diverting around storms, and wrestling with an ancient audio panel that picked the worst possible time to conk out (IFR over Atlanta - yikes!) Ben, Brian and Ted dish on what it's like to fly with a pilot you haven't shared a cockpit with before. Is your flying buddy all good? - or a hazardous attitude waiting to happen?
Tune in for some hangar flying gold, including tips for handling your first big weather diversion and the scoop on Ben's long-overdue avionics upgrade. And stick around for a teaser about the big 100th episode extravaganza!
Links to things mentioned on the show:
* EP80 - Checkride Fails - A Good Thing? * GA2 - Peach State Aerodrome (grass): * Plane Places & Adventures- landing at Peach State Aerodrome (Ben's plane at end): * Windy app: * Master CFI Nathan Ballard's youtube channel: * ---
Show Outline
1. Introduction
- Episode 90 of the Midlife Pilot Podcast
- Hosts: Ben, Brian, and Ted
2. Recent Flying Experiences
- Brian: Navigating challenging weather conditions with a passenger
- Ted: Diverting due to thunderstorms near Seattle
- Ben: Dealing with audio panel failure over Atlanta's airspace
3. Discussion Topics
- Handling communication failures in different flight conditions
- Weather assessment and decision-making
- Using tools like Windy for weather forecasting
4. Community Engagement
- Patreon membership and benefits
- Discord community and inside programming
- Upcoming check ride debrief session
5. Avionics Upgrade Discussion
- Ben's plans for updating his aircraft's audio panel
- Potential benefits of modern avionics
6. Quick Topic: Deciding to Fly with Someone
- Assessing personalities and hazardous attitudes
- Considering comfort levels and introversion
7. Wrap-up
- Upcoming Episode 91: Top 10 tips for student pilots
- Teaser for Episode 100