Reverse Culture Shock: The feeling of disorientation or discomfort a person experiences when returning to their home country or living in a foreign country, where they are exposed to cultural norms or practices that are vastly different from what they are used to.
Conversation 1
A: I saw on Xiaohongshu that drinking hot water is a huge thing in China. Isn’t that fascinating?
B: Totally! When I first came here, it felt like reverse culture shock—everyone was so passionate about it.
A: Same here. But now I kind of like it. It's surprisingly comforting, especially in winter!
Conversation 2
C: I learned how to cook eggs with tomatoes from Xiaohongshu. Such a simple yet iconic dish!
D: Classic! But making it must’ve been a bit of a reverse culture shock, huh?
C: A bit, yeah! But now I can see why it’s a favorite here—it’s delicious and easy.