detached from reality: describing something that is unrealistic, disconnected, or impractical compared to how things actually are in the real world.
Example 1
A: Have you seen those "domineering CEO" micro-series everyone's watching lately?
B: Oh, you mean those where some super-rich, overbearing executive falls for an ordinary person in the most unrealistic way.
A: Yeah! The plots are so detached from reality, it’s hard to take them seriously.
B: Exactly. They’re not just silly—they’re teaching young women the wrong lessons about relationships and power.
Example 2
C: These "domineering CEO" micro-series are getting out of hand. Every episode just feels more ridiculous than the last.
D: I agree. The storylines are so detached from reality, and they’re setting awful expectations for relationships.
C: Right? They glorify controlling behavior instead of encouraging women to expect equal partnerships.