Episode description
Run of the mill - 很普通,没什么特别的
Jake: Hey, how was the new restaurant you tried last night?
Jake: 嘿 你昨晚去吃的那家餐厅咋样?
Emma: Honestly, it was pretty run of the mill. The food was okay, butnothing special.
Emma: 说实话很一般。吃的还行,但却是没啥特别的。
Eric: Did you see the new movie that cameout last weekend?
Eric: 上周末新上的电影你看了吗?
Mark: Yeah, I did. It was a pretty run-of-the-mill film. The plot was predictable, and the acting was just okay.
Mark: 我看了,挺一般的。情节老套,演技也就那样。