In this episode of the Catalyst Podcast, we feature Priscilla Shirer from the Catalyst stage, where Priscilla provides some encouragement for those of us who are feeling the difference between where we are and where we want to be. Listen in as Priscilla dives into the words of Paul from 1 Timothy to show us that we serve a patient God - a God who will never leave us or forsake us, even when we don’t keep our New Years’ resolutions, or we stumble in our leadership for the 43rd time. God is with you for the long haul as you change, and your job is to get excited about the treasure that is already yours!
Keep up with Priscilla:
Instagram: @priscillashirer
Facebook: Going Beyond with Priscilla Shirer
Twitter: @PriscillaShirer
Going Beyond Ministries:
Brene Brown article mentioned in this episode: