Wow, its a year since the ‘Rona came around and completely turned the world upside down. Isn’t it crazy how quickly yet painfully slow the past year has gone?
For my businesses, 2020 was supposed to be the year we really rolled out working on doing farm events, building up our farm as far as flower beds for flower sales were concerned, and working on in person events.
Welp… needless to say that was not happening.
2020 was the year of forced pivots, creative ideas, massive trial and error.
But, one of the things that got me through all of it in the beginning was my membership.
Having recurring revenue I KNEW I could depend on each month was so helpful in calming my nerves & helping me make ends meet until I got my stride back.
We'll touch on ways that boutique owners, makers and brick and mortars can start to think about adding membership or subscription models services to their existing business- almost as an insurance policy.
Let 2021 be the year you safely diversify your income streams!