The Spamming of Certification. Sounds like a big problem, right? Absolutely. But there's a tremendous opportunity for L&D here and we were lucky enough to have Bobbi Losee Vernon in this TLDCast to break down this concept and help us understand why this is such an important topic.
As the gatekeeper to knowledge in the workplace, its important for Learning & Development professionals to stay abreast of different types of credentials, the role of psychometrics in designing assessments, and the significance of certifications in the workforce. It's important to be aware of trends in this space and integrating them into your practice, recognizing it not only impacts new hires' training but existing employees' on-the-job learning as well.
And there is A LOT of information out there to learn and stay on top of. Bobbi does a great job of shining a light on it, but it's up to all of us to take that awareness and turn it in to action. This all just scratches the surface, but listen to the episode - you won't regret it.