Episode description
It's an All-New, All-Different Graymalkin Lane, and we open with a massive script reading of the single most famous X-Men comic of all time! New logo, new song, new format!
With Chad Anderson as your narrator, Seth Martel as Cyclops, Alicia Wilder as Marvel Girl, Scott Free as Iceman, Andre Mason as Angel, Justin Wilder as Professor X, Justin Kosmic as Havok, Isabel Dieppa as Lorna Dane, Arturo Rojas as Wolverine, Harum Scarum as Storm, Kevin Kiniry as Nightcrawler, Phillip Sevy as Colossus, Justin Park as Sunfire, Sean Beveridge as Banshee, Scotty White as Thunderbird, and Taylor Vessel as Krakoa!
Then it's a tribute to writer Len Wein with industry greats Mike Carlin and Terry Kavanagh!